phone313-962-WORK (9675)
Career Center Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Skills for Life

NEXT EVENT: We'll keep you posted!

Get a job today, a career tomorrow and Skills for Life

  • If hired by the City of Detroit, you'll work three days per week on projects that are important to the city, making a positive impact in neighborhoods across Detroit You'll also be paid to attend education or training two days per week to earn a credential that leads to a career.
  • You’ll get valuable experience and skills that you can put on your resume and have a reference for future employment 
  • You’ll be able to get your GED if you don’t already have it or earn a credential needed for in-demand jobs. 
  • After you complete the education or training program, you will graduate from Skills for Life and transition into a job that pays around $17 an hour.
  • You’ll be on a career path that gives you the opportunity to increase your pay to $20/hr, $25/hr, or even more.
  • We will help you with a transportation and childcare plan and also provide career coaching and other supports that increase your long term success in the program and beyond.

Skills for Life jobs will be located at various sites around the city, and training and career services will be delivered at a variety of locations in the City of Detroit.

Skills for Life may be the most comprehensive career development and advancement program ever made available to Detroiters, and is a key component to reduce poverty and increase employment and upward mobility in the city. The program has started enrollment. Sign up now, and we will contact you soon!

How to navigate skills for life on the detroit at work portal

If you are looking to start work as soon as possible, visit the Detroit at Work Online Community to view and apply for thousands of job opportunities, including those with the City of Detroit.